Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hell Fu***** YEAH

Come this Aug 25 the Temple Hoyne Buell Theater is going to run out of tap beer, finally MRP 32 will be in a concert did take detailed planning (~5 min) as explained below...

Meetu- Niki DT in denver Aug 25
Me- I'm in
Meetu-The best part is the opening bands are Zappa plays Zappa and Pain of Salvation..blah blah...why are you not talking
Me-Loafer trying to get Dui on conference..
Me to Dui- Dui DT magne in Denver
Dui- They will be in LA but I rather see it with you guys..count me in..conference D2
D2-Dude its difficult but Ill make it man..its DT
Me-Dui ask Pappi if she wants to see Colorado
Meetu- Niki you are the only one with a decent credit score and a decent our tickets
Dui-For all the money we spent to get your puke cleaned...
Me-OK tickets booked your tickets to Denver
The planning was so scary it was like our Goa trip planning...I just hope it does not turn out like one of our Goa trips-STONED

Yeah my biggest to do things will be striked off the list soon

TO DT!!!!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

.....and we just drove

Seth: Let's go.
Maggie: Where?
Seth: Anywhere.
Maggie: What'll we do?
Seth: Anything.

~City of Angels

Thursday, May 21, 2009

GOD....Spelt as Dr.K

My inspiration to learn more Applied MATH.

The awesomeness of Applied Math in Fluids can be captured in

Boundary-layer receptivity for a parabolic leading edge-The small-Strouhal-number limit


Google this paper, worth every line if you are a fluids guy.

I miss his assignments and classes :(

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Train of events deciphered

After a tiring day I hit the bed early must have been 1130 or something

~2.00am Phone rings too lazy to get to the phone I ignore the call
~215am I can hear myself snore (not good)
~220 Phone rings again, now I'm curious--Answers the call its Jake a good friend I met in my class

Jake- Nikesh course grades are out
Me- Jake its fu!@$* 2am
Jake-Dude I'm pissed off, he gave me a B after all that effort
Me-I have just two beers in my refrigerator thats not going to help..will it
Jake-Check your grade
Me-Will do it tom
Jake-Why :o:o
Me-Well I just want to sleep and if I see a 'B' I wont sleep
Jake- What?? you are not concerned about your grade because you want to get 5 or more hours of sleep
Jake-Let me know when you check your grade
This also reminds me of another incident -a conversation I had with one of my very close friends when I was in RV

XX- Niki I'm tensed tomorrow is Internals
Me-Yeah I know
XX-Niki you are smiling, you just told me that you don't even have a textbook for tomorrows internals
Me-I'm just happy because internals means half a day I can go back home early watch a movie and sleep for more time
XX- I hate you

I may not score a 100 and I know it, but where I beat you all is efficiency (eta=output/input)...ahhh Chaos and Integrability in NonLinear Dynamics here I come, uhhh this is a 700 level course should I be scared? I better be :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009


You asked me for a ballad, I give you a POWER BALLAD

Friday, May 15, 2009

Why we Fight

Why we Fight (not the Frank Capra one) is a must see documentary- (MIC) Military-Industrial Complex well explained.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Sometimes a wish and an expectation can just turnout to be an illusion

A drop of tear ripples away the face I always see in a glass of water

Wandering clouds cover the face I always see on the moon

Opposing wind blocking that voice ever so present...everytime

Let that face disappear just like the way sand gets blown away by the wind

Wash away all those memories just like the way rain washed away my tears

Make me deaf to that voice just like the way a loud cry is lost in a raging sea

Skip away those feelings just like the way I skip a few notes on my guitar for a reason

Let all those moments in time be lost just like the way my thought flow is losing direction right now

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

'SU' kar mera man ko :)

Su was a darling this weekend..

Not to mention the Hot Dosas we had the day I landed in Boulder...yum


Friday, May 08, 2009


CONFIRMED-HELP is just 14 days away....YIPPPEEEEEEEE!!!!

Thursday, May 07, 2009


-I worked a lot of comedy clubs in the '80s ...that still had disco ball on the ceiling...and in the'90s they became strip clubs and now they are Starbucks!

-Human history is just a litany of getting shit dead wrong

~Bill Maher

He is smart-arrogant-astute-pro CANNABIS-no beating round the bush SOB-he just reminds me of ME!

If you are an atheist you will enjoy Religulous

If you are a theist it will make you think.....if you are me you just dont care :)

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Just Apt

--The unparalleled-the incomparable-the unsurpassed-the unprecedented-the unmatched--


In their own words...



Bro sent me this...loved it

As I always tell my friends-

No matter how long the night is dawn will eventually set in!!

Saturday, May 02, 2009

The Special two

Thank you both for being there for me ALWAYS.

I'm eternally indebted to you both.

The both of you are just too special to me and I will in no way let anyone hurt you both.

Rest assured I will always be there when you guys want me, and trust me when Niki offers help its BOUNDLESS and that's my promise.

OK OK like Du would want this post to end -Niki stop acting like a Vagi** :)