wHN I feel alone wnn i feel let down, i ve got this mail which ive starred...and it bring a smile on my face no matter wat my mood is....
Heres the mail------->wat a wonderful idiotic frnd :-)
Hello Amigos..FYI, today was supposed 2 b Nikesh’s last day in Wipro (the news resulted in a drastic n never imagined result..every1 in Wipro including Premji had a smile playin on their lips today I heard..don blame them :) ) but then the news that v had 2 tolerate the idiot till monday :( :(Jokes apart, as I was thinking of today’s “Thot for the day” on my way 2 the office, the words which struck me were “Don’t cry that it got over, smile that it happened”. But, on second thoughts, those words did not strike a chord nor did they seem appropriate, coz, as a wise man once said, a friendship which can end, never did really start in the first place. So, Nikesh, it’s not a goodbye from us, Amigos, to u…only loads of good luck and a promise of being friends forever :)I am sure I echo each and every Amigo’s thoughts when I say that we all had an amazing time with u. Ur lil acts of goodness (and a million acts of craziness :) ) made some real good memories which will stay with all of us all through, be it ur supposedly funny jokes (FYI, people laugh at them solely out of sympathy..nothin more nothin less :) ) or Kulli’s and ur’s group net-send messages (weird and out-of-context r the 2 adjectives which best describe those messages :) ). All of us, at some point or another, have seen an amazing friend (yes, a friend is hidden really, really, really really, really,really,really deep down inside this cruel monster ;) ) in Nikesh :)It’s difficult 2 wish farewell but all of us hope sincerely from our hearts that u have an awesome life and fantastic friends out there. As u say goodbye 2 Wipro, we, Amigos, wish u loads of good luck n best wishes. May life always give u a million reasons 2 smile. God bless :)Finally, the most important thing..before I forget…always remember one thing about Amigos…”We were ALWAYS laughing AT u, not WITH u “ :)Three cheers for Nikesh..Hip “his” hurray :)Kai kodu Amigos :)
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