Scenario 1: You have an elevator( popularly known as lift) ' elevator A' that ascends upward/descends downward at a slow pace meaning acceleration is low.
Scenario 2: You have an elevator say 'elevator B' that has greater acceleration.
Which of the elevators do you think will be more efficient and why?
If your a mechanical engineer, if you cant answer this kill yourself. I'm serious :)
If you consider yourself to be an engineer...give it a shot
All the Best!!!
An engineer's first duty: to be specific.
Please define efficiency in this case. It can be anything starting with energy conversion efficiency to how efficiently it can maintain the comfort levels of the human beings that may board and commute 'up' and 'down' by it.
Engineer, please be specific. :P
Anyway, I am glad you get sudden pangs of these engineering insights. :) I dont. :D
The only efficiency an engineer cares about is
eta= energy output of the process/energy spent
Well i really don't care bout comfort for 10 secs in my life. :)
Czar..take over
For what it's worth, i thot i'd mention my reasoning for the lack of replies here.
The amount of energy required to decelerate and accelerate the second elevator would be more as compared to the first.
Hence the second would consume more energy. My guess.. (which niki has already told me is not correct) is that the first elevator is more efficient.
Well I never said your guess was wrong all I said was reasoning is wrong...infact I dont know never thought bout it that way...So well may be :o
are you going to kill me with the suspense? you even had the audacity to put up your next blog while this was unanswered. tch tch. btw got the solution to the coins one... it's simple math not lateral. now you better get it to defend all mech students!
hey natsie..'someday ull know' y i put the nxt blog b4 answering this...worry nots i've given student time till fri...soln will be posted on fri eve :)
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