We all have our own heroes.
My story is less than perfect, my heroes have changed with time and choice of different heroes depicts my maturity or thats what i believe.
In school I terrorized my parents for endless toys, they ranged from GI-JOe's to He-man. My favorite hero then; was Batman. This may be the reason why I still love my comics.
I was then, like any high school kid introduced to Rocky Balboa. I always wondered how his hard punches and his soft heart co-exist. I tried becoming strong, joined karate for a day quit but never gave up on trying to have soft heart.
Then got into college, it was about time I had a sport hero. There was Lance Armstrong, though not a big fan of cycling I just admired his determination and will to win. It just got embedded in me a thought- that nothing is impossible and never did any loss leave me unsettled. Never learnt to cycle fast, in fact I take 9 min to cycle 3 miles but I learnt to never give up.
Recently, everything changed. Finally, I have not just one hero but heroes. Hemant Karkare, Vijay Salaskar and last but not least Sandeep Uni Krishnan. These names are not famous as any of the names mentioned above, but these people have shown that the very essence of humanity-sacrifice-still exists and is very alive. They laid down their lives today for our tomorrow in the recent Mumbai Blasts. No amount of writing or praise can equal their sacrifice.It also reverberates that every ordinary person who answers his call of duty with utmost honesty automatically makes him a hero. It also reflects how important community service is.
I dont know if these people have, in any ways changed you, but one things for sure these people have made me more patriotic. It gives me another reason and I take pride again to call myself an Indian today. May the force always be with HER.
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