Wednesday, December 15, 2010



Did I hit a road block?

..a writers block...?


I could have written about about how life appears more and more like a control system, asymptotic never settling
....written bout my own new found life...may be write on how I knew she was the one for marriage?..things I've recently sticked out on my -to do list
......Rush...Kobe?..may be something on my new obsession a.k.a theoretical statistics
..may be on my music career and where that is new ideas, my new patents?...write something on you?

....but you got to do what you got to do....all the time I had for my self, well spent, may be?....worth it may be?....

there is definite curiosity when one disappears....speculation?...should I draft this thought..may be not...

vision not 20/20- never is.... disappear is a difficult act to master.


aastha-inks said...

took 6 months to recover from marriage? hehe ;)

niki said...

nope....I now have free time..guess why?...hint:someone is enjoying in Seattle while I'm working hard-ly in FC :)