Monday, June 22, 2009


Approximately a month (or may be two) back I was in NYC

He was very happy
I was lost
But He was there with me
He was there for me
He had a paper submission
But he sat down...
had a lot of beer..whispered words of wisdom till 4 in the night
He ended the conversation with LIFE HAS TO GO ON
Today I'm happy...
He is lost....
But I'm not there...I'm a 1000 miles away from him
I have my job to keep and with two projects on my head and 10 hr work days almost everyday there is only that much I can do
All I did was talk over phone....repeat almost about every word he had told me...I ended our conversation with THE SHOW HAS TO GO ON
I think I let him down....I think I've let myself down :(
Sometimes I wonder if I really deserve such friends....friends you can blindly trust..friends who will be there no matter what the situation is...friends who pull you out of your misery in a min. I think I'm blessed to have such friends.
Hang in there bud, let me see if I can catch a flight to NYC this Friday.

Be KF Strong! :)


1 comment:

Wandering Minstrel said...

:) sometimes you just know you MUST 've done something really really good somewhere in time, to have been blessed with such people as friends..sigh..and then comes the time when cruel ambitions ask you to 'move on'...hate it. oh. so. absolutely.

PS: i hope you took that flight to NYC :)