Manager: Nikesh I want you to interview a candidate for Failure Analysis team, he could be a part of our team as well, I will forward you his resume
Me: Sure, is the interview on Monday?
Manager: Sorry for the short notice Nikesh, a few have already interviewed him. Its today and your slot is from 12.30 to 1.30.Let me know if you need more time for his interview I will cut down his company tour...will be taking him to lunch now and dont be late for the interview.
That gave me little over an hour to prepare. English Language and communication not being my strength (not to mention my thick S.Indian Accent) I decided to write down my questions.
I prepared all my questions (good luck googling it)!!! they were straight forward and I'm sure any engineer can answer most of these (and I hope a mechanical/civil/aerospace engineer answers all).
Click on the images to read
I'm not going to tell where this guy graduated from, reasons being I hope to get into that University someday or at least I will die trying :)
Devastated I was, after 90min :'(.....I just hate the way engineers are being taught these days...we are a bunch of morons who fail to understand basic concepts in ENGINEERING. I cant believe we all become engineers without understanding basic Math. We still struggle to do Math that was developed in the 16th and 17th century despite having fancy computers and gadgets.
The rest of the world can depend on Computers, Internet, Wikipedia, Wolfram and get smart (I call them Wiki-smart..all superficial-one page knowledge-bunch of dimwits)I depend on my Brain and it will never let me down...cos IT aint a server to CRASH.
PS: On a guilt trip right now...OK OK I use Woflram :D
guess what? i would have definitely flunked this interview :) not that i care but i feel sorry for all the not so engineers but anyway engineers (like me )!!
@yap-arna- samadhana...who belted 3 A grades last sem?? :)..OK OK niki will train you but on one condition...you should not hit those school children you might teach soon :D:D
@niki- me defy fail :)...you are a nut job....a nut job
oye you are not a mechie...so ur pardoned :)
bah. i had people in my class who struggled with L.C.M :)
I'd have failed the test. I know only 5 :(..but i'm ECE, so guess i'm pardoned :)
The whole 'don't sweat, good luck' is awesome :D they should include that in our Board exams. Sadly, the morons have scrapped the X-board.
PS: you write like a 5 year old! :P
and when i say class, I mean, during Engineering. Vishwakarma must've been shamed :(
what no boards for 10th...thats awesome...I wanted that for a long time...I've always felt that grade system makes more sense is more just...yeah
Wiki Smart, indeed. But, unfortunately, that is what most interviews require - how much you can blabber, with a few 'wiki' terms thrown in, so that they think you think.
Did they tell you the name of the game, boy?
They call it riding the gravy train.
@abhijith- yes sir welcome to the gravy train indeed....but the key take away is as Engineers we are so bad.....we fail so badly to correlate what we study/ied and what we see...thats super disappointing
Well, Mr. Engineer, you complain only because you know. You think the economics students know exactly what is happening in the market (I mean - maarukatte, not the bull-bear zoo). The computer science engineer at least knows how to pull the RAM out of the PC (depending on your point of view, which is either a good news or a terrible one).
The problem is deeper - do you remember any school kid/ class mate who was "really" good at science and maths? The 98% PCM boY was always smarter than the radio breaking, wrench wielding Dexter, wasn't he?
@abhilith-true...thats my crib as well.....we seriously need either our education system to change...which means more correlation between theory (what we learn) and what we see/do...or the way we learn...like u said the guy with 98% PCM was always considered better than that wrench cracking Dexter...according to me tahts almost never true....
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