Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Have you ever been deeply attached to an abstract thing like an email-id??




Wandering Minstrel said...

hehe..i'm attached to my gtalk/y!msngr..this one time, all my contacs from y!msngr vanished! :O :O :O

and i was SO tensed..maybe more tensed than i was before my first board exam!

niki said...

@swati-if gmail crashes..my social life will come to and abrupt end :)

Wandering Minstrel said...

@i'd pan it a lil bit..if google services crash, i'm nonexistent! :P

but food for thought..gee..are we really this dependent on sthng that is so virtual in itself! :O

OMG..this is the first time i'm actually putting thought into this!!!

niki said...

@swati-think bout it..bck thn in school I used to remember atleast 20-30 ph#..frm the time cell phone has become part of my life I remember only my house ph#..i have saved my own ph#..can it get any worse?? :)....

Wandering Minstrel said...

no new posts?? whyyyyyyyy????

where are youuuuuuuuu?????